
CompactFlash Card for CU310 производства Siemens

CompactFlash Card for CU310

The CompactFlash Card contains the firmware and parameter settings. The CompactFlash Card is plugged into the correct slot on the CU310 Control Unit.

A CU310 Control Unit can perform the communication, open-loop and closed-loop control functions for one Power Module. The performance expansion is not required in this case.

In addition to the firmware, the CompactFlash Card also contains licensing codes which are required to enable firmware options. To order the Safety Integrated Extended Functions (Safe Stop 2, Safe Operating Stop, Safely Limited Speed, Safe Speed Monitor), order codes must be stated (F..) in addition to the Order No. for each axis.

The firmware options can also be enabled on-site, for example, if the performance expansions required are not known at the time of placing the order or the Safety Integrated Extended Functions are to be enabled retrospectively. You will need the serial number of the CompactFlash Card and the order number of the firmware option to be enabled. With this information, you can purchase the associated from a license database and enable the firmware option. The license code is only valid for the CompactFlash Card declared and cannot be transferred to other CompactFlash Cards.

Firmware version

The firmware version is encoded as follows in the order number printed on the CompactFlash card:

Order No.


Firmware version






















Example 1

A CompactFlash card with firmware version 2.5 and a Safety license for a CU310 PN Control Unit are required:
Order No. 6SL3054‑0CF00‑1AA0‑Z

Код Заказной номер Описание Вес (кг) Заказать
67537 6SL3054-0EE00-1BA0 sinamics s120 карта compactflash без расширения рабочих характеристик, вкл. лицензирование (certificate of licence) v4.04 0.012 Заказать
67590 6SL3074-0AA10-0AA0 sinamics лицензия safety integrated extended functions для карты памяти 0.022 Заказать