
Двухъярусные диодные клеммы 8WH производства Siemens

Двухъярусные диодные клеммы 8WH

При помощи различных вариантов двухъярусных диодных клемм решается большое количество задач, возникающих при
проектировании схем.
Таким образом, на ограниченном пространстве реализуются:
• схемы с безынерционными диодами
• ламповые испытательные схемы
• схемы сигнализации повреждений и оповещения

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77293 8WH2020-5AF00 two-tier diode terminal passage from top to bot., with spring connection, section: 0.08 - 2.5 mm2, width: 5.2 mm, color: gray 0.011 Заказать
77294 8WH2020-5BF00 two-tier diode terminal passage from bot. to top with spring connection, section: 0.08 - 2.5 mm2, width: 5.2 mm, color: gray 0.01 Заказать
123798 8WH2020-5DF00 two-tier diode terminal passage from b. le. to b. ri. with spring connection, section: 0.08 - 2.5 mm2, width: 5.2 mm, color: gray 0.011 Заказать
77295 8WH2020-5EF00 two-tier diode terminal passage from b. le. to top, from bottom le. to bottom ri., with spring connection, section: 0.08 - 2.5 mm2, width: 5.2 mm, color: gray 0.011 Заказать
123799 8WH2020-5GF00 two-tier diode terminal passage from b. le. to top, from bottom right to top, with spring connection, section: 0.08 - 2.5 mm2, width: 5.2 mm, color: gray 0.012 Заказать
77296 8WH2020-5HF00 two-tier diode terminal passage from top to b. le. and from top to bottom right, with spring connection, section: 0.08 - 2.5 mm2, width: 5.2 mm, color: gray 0.011 Заказать
123800 8WH2020-5JF30 two-tier terminal with illum. display (15 - 30v) with spring connection, section: 0.08 - 2.5 mm2, width: 5.2 mm, color: gray 0.011 Заказать
123801 8WH2020-5JF80 two-tier terminal with illum. display(110 - 230v) with spring connection, section: 0.08 - 2.5 mm2, width: 5.2 mm, color: gray 0.011 Заказать
123802 8WH2020-5KF00 two-tier diode terminal passage from top to b. le., from bottom ri. to bottom left with spring connection, section: 0.08 - 2.5 mm2, width: 5.2 mm, color: gray 0.011 Заказать
123995 8WH9000-1VA00 cover for feed-through term. with spring connection, section: 2.5 mm2, width: 2.2 mm, color: gray 0.3 Заказать
77627 8WH9070-0BA00 compartment partition for optical and electrical isol. from terminal groups, two-tier with sections up to 4 mm2 width: 2 mm, color: gray 0.8 Заказать