
Cables and accessories for SIPLUS CMS4000 производства Siemens

  • Cables for connecting the various components of a SIPLUS CMS4000 setup
  • Mounting sets with material for wall mounting of IFN and MCN11
  • IFN coping set with sealing caps for unused sockets
Cables for SIPLUS CMS4000

Summary of cables for SIPLUS CMS4000

Various cables are available for connecting the different components of a CMS4000 setup:

  • CABLE-IEEE1394A-66/46 (6AT8 000-2AA00-...):
    for coupling ION-ION, ION-PC, PC-RPN and ION-RPN over IEEE1394 (FireWire);
    CABLE-IEEE1394A-46-450 permits connection of a notebook to the system.
  • CABLE-IEEE1394A-8F (6AT8 000-2AB20-1...):
    for coupling PC-IFN, ION-IFN and RPN-IFN over IEEE1394 (FireWire).
  • CABLE-IEEE1394A-8M (6AT8 000-2AB20-2AA...):
    for coupling IFN-MCN11 over IEEE1394 (FireWire);
  • CABLE-Power (6AT8 000-2AB30-...):
    for power supply to the IFN. IFN ADD must be used to pass on the power from the first IFN to further IFNs in a line topology (see below).
  • IFN ADD (6AT8 000-2AB50-...):
    modular set to directly pass on the power supply from one IFN to an adjacent IFN. Consisting of power cable and Y connector. The Y connector is required because passing on is via the LNK socket to which the IEEE1384 bus cable to the next IFN must be connected in addition to the power cable.
  • CABLE-IEEE1394A-88 (6AT8 000-2AB20-2AD...):
    for coupling IFN-IFN over IEEE1394 (FireWire).
  • CABLE-IO (6AT8 000-2AB40-...):
    for connection of sensor system to IFN.
Mounting set

Mounting sets are available for IFN and MCN11. They contain mounting brackets for wall mounting.

Coping set

The coping set contains a set of caps for closing unused IFN sockets.

More information and product details can be obtained from

Код Заказной номер Описание Вес (кг) Заказать
60847 6AT8000-2AA00-1AA3 castomat - accessories cable-ieee1394a-66-0030 length=00,30m; 6-6 plug; 0.025 Заказать
60848 6AT8000-2AA00-1AB0 castomat - accessories cable-ieee1394a-66-0100 length=01.00m; 6-6 plug; 0.025 Заказать
109254 6AT8000-2AA00-1AC0 castomat - accessories cable-ieee1394a-66-0200 length=02.00m; 6-6 plug; 0.025 Заказать
109255 6AT8000-2AA00-1AE5 castomat - accessories cable-ieee1394a-66-0450 length=04.50m; 6-6 plug; 0.025 Заказать
60850 6AT8000-2AA10-1AE5 castomat - accessories cable-ieee1394a-46-0450 length=04.50m; 4-6 plug; 0.025 Заказать
60851 6AT8000-2AB20-1AB0 siplus cms — принадлежность (кабель) -ieee1394a-8f-0040 длина=0.40m; ieee1394 ifn-pc coupling 0.001 Заказать
109257 6AT8000-2AB20-1AC0 siplus cms - accessories cable-ieee1394a-8f-0200 length=2.00m; ieee1394 ifn-pc coupling 0.12 Заказать
60852 6AT8000-2AB20-1AE5 siplus cms - accessories cable-ieee1394a-8f-0450 length=4.50m; ieee1394 ifn-pc coupling 0.24 Заказать
109258 6AT8000-2AB20-2AA2 siplus cms - accessories cable-ieee1394a-8m-0030 length=0.30m; ieee1394 ifn-mcn11 coupling 0.06 Заказать
60853 6AT8000-2AB20-2AD2 phoenix: 1401633 siplus cms — принадлежность sac-8p-ms/0.2-940/ms sco sislae 0.001 Заказать
109259 6AT8000-2AB30-1AA1 siplus cms — принадлежность — силовой кабель-135-0000; длина=1.35; ifn силовой кабель 0.001 Заказать
109260 6AT8000-2AB30-1AA2 siplus cms - accessories cable-power-200-0000; length=2.00m; ifn power cable 0.12 Заказать
60854 6AT8000-2AB30-1AA5 siplus cms - accessories cable-power-500-0000; length=5.00m; ifn power cable 0.28 Заказать
60855 6AT8000-2AB30-1AB0 siplus cms - accessories cable-power-1000-0000; length=10.00m; ifn power cable 0.52 Заказать
109261 6AT8000-2AB40-1AA2 siplus cms - accessories cable-io-200-0000; length=2.00m; ifn io cable 0.001 Заказать
109262 6AT8000-2AB40-1AA5 siplus cms - accessories cable-io-500-0000; length=5.00m; ifn io cable 0.28 Заказать
60856 6AT8000-2AB40-1AB0 siplus cms - accessories cable-io-200-0000; length=2.00m; ifn io cable 0.52 Заказать
60857 6AT8000-2AB50-1AA2 siplus cms - accessories ifn add0020; length=0.20m; ifn energy and ieee1394 cable 0.12 Заказать
109263 6AT8000-2AB50-1AB0 siplus cms - accessories ifn add0100; length=1.00m; ifn energy and ieee1394 cable 0.2 Заказать
60858 6AT8000-2AB50-1AC0 siplus cms - accessories ifn add0200; length=2.00m; ifn energy and ieee1394 cable 0.28 Заказать
109264 6AT8000-2AB50-1AE5 siplus cms - accessories ifn add0450; length=4.50m; ifn energy and ieee1394 cable 0.52 Заказать
109265 6AT8000-2BB00-0XA0 siplus cms - accessories coping set for ifn ai and ifn vib-a 0.001 Заказать
109266 6AT8000-2BB00-0XB0 siplus cms - accessories mounting set; wall mount for ifn ai and ifn vib-a 0.04 Заказать
109267 6AT8000-2BB00-0XC0 siplus cms - accessories mounting set; wall mount for mcn11 0.001 Заказать