
RMOS3-GNU V3.0 производства Siemens


RMOS3-GNU V3.0 is a software package that supports development and testing of applications for the real-time operating system RMOS3 (Version 3.40 and higher).

It builds on a GNU-based tool chain that is well-known and widely implemented in the Linux environment and contains the expansions required for RMOS3.

RMOS3-GNU V3.0 replaces the existing RMOS3-GNU V2.x product. An update from RMOS3-GNU V2.x to Version V3.0 is available.

RMOS3-GNU V3.0 contains the following new functions:

  • Up-to-date versions of the GNU tool chain, e.g. C/C++ compiler V3.4.1
  • Updated versions of Eclipse V3.4 and CDT plug-in V5.0.
  • New Eclipse "terminal" plug-in for remote operation of the target system
  • New Eclipse "profiling" plug-in for determining the system load and the task activity on the target system
  • Extended Eclipse "remote launcher" plug-in for testing the applications on Privilege Level 0 or alternatively on Privilege Level 1

RMOS3-GNU is the new development platform for RMOS3 in order to create and test your automation solution. The Eclipse graphical development interface offers software developers a modern development environment which includes an integrated, graphical cross debugger.

Higher productivity on creating applications thanks to the following improvements:
  • Shorter development times are achieved thanks to the GNU tools tested and released for RMOS3 with the C/C++ compilers of version V3.4.1 suitable for multicore applications. Internal compiler optimization layers reduce the compilation time by up to 80 %, i.e. a 300 KB file can now be created in 15 s instead of 80 s under RMOS3-GNU V2.1. This provides an enormous potential for improvement of large projects with several Mbyte of data.
  • Various code optimizations of the C/C++ compiler also ensure an increase in performance of up to 30 % in the execution of programs. Improved code analysis during compilation means, for example, that constants are no longer calculated during runtime and simple program loops are calculated beforehand during compilation.
  • The new versions of the Eclipse IDE V3.4 with the CDT plug-in V5.0 provide improved search functions, indexes and navigation as well as a revised editor complete with new highlight functions for variables: This makes execution of complex software much easier.
  • New RMOS3 plug-ins for the Eclipse IDE support the developer with analyzing target systems: The terminal plug-in for remote operation and the profiling plug-in for easy measuring of the system load and the task activity on the target system.
  • The improved remote launcher plug-in enables applications to be debugged alternatively in Privilege level PL0 or PL3.
  • The improved debug interface between the development system and target system supports faster build-up for the debug link, improved multi-task debugging and premature termination of the debugging process.
High degree of investment protection:
  • RMOS3-GNU will be available long-term thanks to version updating and management through Siemens.
  • High quality thanks to intensive testing of the GNU tools for RMOS3 (Version 3.40 and higher)
High degree of flexibility and expendability for the Eclipse development environment thanks to the numerous downloadable plug-ins.
System requirements: Development system
  • Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
  • Java Runtime Environment, Version 1.5 and higher (only necessary when using Eclipse IDE)
  • RMOS3 development environment RMOS3 Version 3.40 (incl. software fix RMOS3 V3.40.02) or RMOS3 V3.50 (incl. software fix RMOS3 V3.50.04)
System requirements: Target system
  • RMOS3 version 3.40.02 and higher or version 3.50.04 (configurable nucleus V3.30.06 R01)


The GNU-based tool chain is subject to the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL) or
the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (LGPL). Please read the licensing rules supplied with the product.

The RMOS3-GNU development package comprises the following components:

  • GNU tool chain (comprising a compiler for C/C++, make-tool, assembler, linker and debugger)
  • Integrated development environment Eclipse (including CDT plug-in for creating C/C++ programs) with the following RMOS3-specific expansions:
    • Simulation environment for RMOS3 applications
    • Project type plug-ins for RMOS3 applications and RMOS3 libraries
    • Integrated RMOS3 online help and code completion
    • FTP plug-in for file transfer to the target system
    • Remote launcher plug-in for easy debugging on the target system
    • Terminal plug-in for remote operation of the target system
    • Profiling plug-in for determining the system load and the task activity on the target system
  • GNU debug server for RMOS3
  • Adaptation layer MSYS/MinGW for implementing the GNU tool chain, originally developed for UNIX, with Windows systems
  • Programming and operating manual in PDF form, in German

Updated versions of the GNU tools released for use with RMOS3:

GNU tools





C-/ C++ compiler





GNU debugger





GNU debug server










Eclipse IDE





Eclipse CDT plug-in















1) Assembler rm-as, linker rm-ld, object dump rm-objdump, archiver rm-ar.exe, striptool rm-strip, index creator for archiver rm-ranlib, display symbol rm-nm

RMOS3-GNU V3.0 is a further development of the new development platform for RMOS3 based on the GNU development tools and the integrated graphical development environment Eclipse. Apart from support for the current versions of Eclipse and CDT, the following functions are offered in combination with RMOS3:

Terminal plug-in (new)

The terminal plug-in creates a view in the Eclipse IDE that makes it possible to operate one or more target systems via TELNET. This view is available during program development as well as during the debug phase. The view can assign a suitable, freely selectable name for easier identification of the respective target system.

In addition to operating the RMOS3 system, the developer is also able to watch the messages from the RMOS3 applications, without the need to switch to other Telnet programs.

Profiling plug-in (new)

The profiling plug-in allows the user to investigate the load distribution and the task activity on the target system. The plug-in comprises the two views "Load Distribution" and "Task Activity".

Load Distribution

The "Load Distribution" view shows the percentage loading on the individual processor cores, as well as the percentage loading of the overall system per task, during one measurement.

The loading on the CPU with one or two processor cores is shown in the left-hand part of the view with the help of bars. There is one bar per processor core for "Task" load, "S-State" interrupt load and "Idle Time". On the right-hand side, the load distribution for all tasks is shown in tabular form. The display can be sorted according to a column, by clicking the column header.

The developer can use the "Load Distribution" display to gain an overview of the loading of the overall system and can sort the tasks to discover large consumers of computing time.

Task Activity

The "Task Activity" view displays the individual RMOS3 calls with a time stamp and the interrupts that are performed during a measurement.

To analyze specific results, the data can be sorted, filtered and saved after measuring. The developer therefore has a convenient tool for analyzing the timing of events on the target system.

RMOS3 simulation

RMOS3 simulation allows RMOS3 programs to be pretested on the development PC with Windows using Eclipse. You can, therefore, work independently of the target hardware and start developing your automation solution early, and implement and test hardware-independent parts of your application.

Remote launcher plug-in (extended)

The remote launcher configuration can be used to transfer a generated application to the target system at the click of a button and to start it. Outputs from the program that is integrated in the Eclipse IDE are then displayed in the console.

The remote launcher also allows an application to be debugged on the target system both in Privilege Level 0 and in Privilege Level 3 without the need to manually transfer the application to the target system and start the debug server.

FTP plug-in

The FTP plug-in included in the delivery package enables the created application to be downloaded from the Eclipse IDE to the target system. Switchover to additional FTP clients is no longer necessary. Downloading is performed at the click of a button.

RMOS3 project type

The project plug-in "Executable (GNU on RMOS)" as well as "Static Library (GNU on RMOS)" makes it easy to create new projects in the Eclipse IDE by presetting parameters. When the project is created, the required configuration "Release", "Debug" and/or "Simulation" can be selected. All the necessary compiler, linker and debugger settings have already been made and you can start creating and testing the program immediately.

Code completion

Code completion is offered in Eclipse IDE for the RMOS, CRUN and CLI functions. This support can be extended by reinstalling additional RMOS3 products (e.g. BSP SIMATIC IPC V3.0, RMOS3 TCP/IP V2.3).

To use code completion, you simply type the first characters of the required function and press "CTRL+SPACE". A selection box is then displayed containing a list of all functions that start with these letters. The type of return parameter and the parameters complete with their data are also displayed.

When you select a function, it will be inserted at the current cursor position. The cursor waits at the first parameter or void function behind the closing bracket. For functions with several parameters, use the "TAB" button to jump from one parameter to the next.

Error messages from the compiler caused by typing mistakes can therefore be prevented and the expected parameter types can be immediately recognized, so there is no need to refer to the documentation.

RMOS3 help function

A help function is also available in German for the RMOS3 calls, the CRUN calls and the CLI calls. This support can be extended by reinstalling additional RMOS3 products (e.g. BSP SIMATIC IPC V3.0, RMOS3 TCP/IP V2.3).

You open the help either via the Help menu of Eclipse or by pressing the "F1" key after positioning the cursor on the required function call. You receive a detailed description of the call with additional links to related function calls that is similar to the description of function calls in the RMOS3 reference manuals.


The debugger integrated into Eclipse offers convenient functions for testing your application in simulation mode on your development computer and via the Ethernet coupling to the RMOS3 target system.

The connection to the RMOS3 target system is built up via the GNU debug server which can be used under RMOS3 V3.40 as well as under RMOS3 V3.50:

  • Quick and easy starting of the GNU debug server:
    The GNU debug server on the RMOS3 target system can also be started without specifying the IP address and port number. The IP address of the RMOS3 computer on which the GDB server is started is used here as the IP address. The default port number used is 8200.
  • Debugging of executing applications:
    It is possible at any time to connect the main task of the application as well as the child tasks created by the main task using the option "Attach" and to debug them. There is no need for time-consuming adjustment of the behavior of the application under the control of the debugger.
  • Source code display for general protection errors:
    It is also possible to connect to an application in which an exception has occurred. After connecting to the GNU debug server, the destination in the source text is then shown in which an exception has occurred.

Код Заказной номер Описание Вес (кг) Заказать
60804 6AR1403-0AN00-1BA0 sicomp rmos3-tcp/ip v3.0 sl development pack, sngle license, tcp/ip-software for rmos3 ab v3.40,cd rom, incl. german description pdf-format 0.1 Заказать
109221 6AR1403-0AN50-1BA0 sicomp rmos3-tcp/ip v3.0 sl update from v2.x to v3.0 development pack, single license, tcp/ip-software for rmos3 v3.40 and higher,cd rom, incl. german description pdf-format 0.1 Заказать
109224 6AR1403-0BC00-1CA1 bsp-simatic ipc v3.1 el engineering license for board support package for simatic microbox pc 427b, ipc427c, box pc627b, ipc627c, box pc 647b, ipc647c, box pc 827b, rack pc 847b and ipc847c for use under operating system sicomp rmos3 v3.40 and v3.50. development package, single license, one runtime license, cd-rom, incl. description german pdf format, runtime license rmos3 v3.40 and v3.50 not included. 0.1 Заказать
109227 6AR1403-0BC50-1CA1 bsp-simatic ipc v3.1 el update engineering license for board support package for simatic microbox pc 427b, ipc427c, box pc627b, ipc627c, box pc 647b, ipc647c, box pc 827b, rack pc 847b and ipc847c for use under operating system sicomp rmos3 v3.40 and v3.50. update from bsp-simatic ipc v3.0 to bsp-simatic ipc v3.1. development package, single license, one runtime license, cd-rom, incl. description german pdf format, runtime license rmos3 v3.40 and v3.50 not included. 0.1 Заказать
60817 6AR1403-0BG00-1AA0 sicomp rmos3-graphx v1.0 el development pack for graphical user interface w. rmos3 up to v3.30 single license, 1 runtime license,cd-rom, incl. descript. german pdf-format, qt designer not included. 0.1 Заказать
109229 6AR1403-0BN3 sicomp rmos3-tcp/ip v3.x runtime license for tcp/ip-software v3.0 or higher, for use with rmos3 v3.40 or higher 0.1 Заказать
60820 6AR1403-0CC3 bsp-simatic ipc v3.x rt rmos3 runtime license for board support package for simatic microbox pc 427b, ipc 427c,box pc627b, box pc 647b, box pc 827b and rack pc 847b, under operatingsystem sicomp rmos3 v3.40. and v3.50. runtime license rmos3 v3.40 and rmo 0.05 Заказать
60821 6AR1403-0DA3 sicomp rmos3 v3.50 rt runtime license for operation system rmos3 v3.50 0.1 Заказать
109233 6AR1405-0BA00-1CA0 sicomp rmos3-gnu v3.0 el develpoment pack, simple license, cd rom, incl. german description pdf format 0.1 Заказать
109235 6AR1405-0BA50-1CA0 sicomp rmos3-gnu v3.0 el update v2.x to v3.0, development pack, simple license, cd rom, incl. german description pdf format 0.1 Заказать
60824 6AR1405-0EA00-1AA4 sicomp rmos3 v3.50 el development pack, single license, single runtime license cd rom, incl.description pdf format german 0.05 Заказать
60826 6AR1405-0EA50-1AA4 sicomp rmos3 v3.50 el update v3.40 up to v3.50, development pack, single license, 1 runtime license cd rom, incl. description pdf format german 0.05 Заказать